The Union Cabinet, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, recently approved the PM Vidyalaxmi Scheme on 6th November 2024, a new Central Sector initiative focused on making higher education accessible to all deserving students. This program offers collateral-free, guarantor-free loans, providing vital financial support to ensure that capable students are not held back by financial …
7 Tips to Secure the Overseas Education Loan for Your Dream of Studying Abroad
Education has long been a cornerstone of Indian culture, highly regarded across generations. Recently, this deep-rooted focus on education has led to a growing number of Indian students pursuing higher studies abroad. This trend is fueled by the ambition to attend renowned international universities, the pursuit of better career prospects, and an improved quality of …
I am 25 years old, and looking for High Returns investment platforms: How can I start investing?
At 25, you’re in an ideal position to begin investing and setting the stage for a financially secure future. The twenties are often considered the best time to start investing, making it crucial to take action during this decade. During these years, you begin to understand the importance of saving, investing, and earning returns, while …
CIBIL Score: Meaning, Importance, Benefits, and How to Increase CIBIL Score
In recent times, it has become increasingly difficult to fulfill all your needs and desires solely with your salary or other sources of income. As a result, people often need to take out various types of loans to meet different expenses. For instance, home loans are used for purchasing residential property, car loans for buying …
New RBI Guidelines: Changes in Loan-taking Rules from October 1st, 2024
If you’re considering taking out a loan in the near future, it’s essential to stay informed about the recent Reserve Bank of India (RBI) guidelines for loan regulations. Effective from October 1, these changes will impact certain types of loans, particularly those in the Retail and MSME (Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises) sectors. In this …
What is Debt Trap: Strategies to manage your debts effectively?
In today’s world people have extremely easy access to personal loans, credit cards, overdrafts, home loans, car loans, and other sources of funding. Their irresponsible behavior towards money and financial indiscipline leads people into high debt and then eventually into debt traps. The debt trap has become a harsh reality and a forever struggle that …